Hyoyeon bola vybratá ako nová ázijská ambasádorka pre Hong Kongskú módnu značku Topshop. Túto správu včera potvrdili obidve spoločnosti. Topshop včera zverejnil na svojom Instagrame 4 fotky Hyoyeon v módnych veciach tejto značky.
Noviny v Hong Kongu zverejnilo krátke interview s Hyo, v ktorom sa ona vyjadrila k tejto spolupráci.
Konečne niekto zmúdrel a vybral si Hyo ako svoju tvár. Však ona je taká pekná :P
Apple Daily: Why did you decide to work together today?
Hyoyeon: It’s probably because of my fickle and lively image. I can be sexy, cool, luxurious, boyish and simple, which is similar to the styles Topshop has.
Apple Daily: What products have you bought from Topshop?
Hyoyeon: Every time I go to Japan I’ll purposely go to Topshop Tokyo to shop. I like buying jewelery the most, especially large pieces that are almost on the verge of funky.
Apple Daily: How are Korean girls better in their dressing?
Hyoyeon: They seldom wear sexy clothes, and all love carrying big handbags as well as wearing scarves. The whole appearance is mostly simple.
Apple Daily: Do you like Hong Kong guys?
Hyoyeon: Haha, I still haven’t come across many. However, Hong Kong guys are more fashionable. For example, some Korean guys dress in a more feminine style, whereas Hong Kong guys know how to dress well. They have a bit more fashion sense.