Baby nám pridali dve nové správy aj s fotkami na stránku SONE PLUS+ o ich končiacej sa tour.
Na prvej sú Sooyoung, Taeyeon, Tiffany a Seohyun a pridali k tomu takúto správu:
I become sad, but want to enjoy it till the last when I think it to be the last in tomorrow!
^^ ... that an island carries Osaka on its back in pinkness★
^^ ... that an island carries Osaka on its back in pinkness★

A druhú dnes pridali spoločne Seohyun a Yuri. Taktiez tam písali o končiacej tour, ale aj o ich výlete do Disneylandu v Tokyu. Z tohto výletu pridali fotku a nazvali sa Seo-Sparrow a Donald-Yul.
Totally cuteee!
Hello~ This is Seohyun, and Yuri^^Japan Arena Tour! 20 concert! Today was the last day~! Kyak!!We can't believe it's already the last one~We had so much fun with everyone that we didn't noticethe time fly by~
This picture is from our date on a spring day at disneyland~Seo-Sparrow and Donald-Yul!! kekeThe weather changes are severe lately so be careful not to catch a cold~Everyone enjoy the warm spring weather and have a great day ^^♥
This picture is from our date on a spring day at disneyland~Seo-Sparrow and Donald-Yul!! kekeThe weather changes are severe lately so be careful not to catch a cold~Everyone enjoy the warm spring weather and have a great day ^^♥
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