Sunny nechala správu na japonskej fanstránke SONE PLUS+ aj s jej cute selcou.
Hello everyone in SONE PLUS+, how are you? It's Sunny!
Since July started, summer really has come~. I'm excited because the stores have a variety of my favorite fruits♪ (laughs)
Recently we have many schedules overseas, but I think I want to survive the hot summer and take care of my body~ (^ω^)
Since July started, summer really has come~. I'm excited because the stores have a variety of my favorite fruits♪ (laughs)
Recently we have many schedules overseas, but I think I want to survive the hot summer and take care of my body~ (^ω^)
Fotka Seohyun a Hyoyeon s Lee Jong Hyukom ešte z Kolom Sport 2013 Fashion Show.

A ešte staršie dve fotky Hyoyeon s Min z Miss A, keď boli na EEG Dinner Party.
Na prvej fotke je s nimi aj slávna herečka a speváčka Gillian Chung.

Jessica na Weibo nahrala ďalšie dve svoje nové fotky. Cute girl :)

A niekomu sa žije. Priznám sa neviem kto to je, len viem, že bol s Jess na obede. Závisť :/

Objavila sa nezverejnená fotka Yoony a Tiffany.

Ten istý chlap, čo bol s Jess na obede, bol aj s Fanny na káve. Šťastie :D

A máme tu novú selcu Tiffany aj s Woori Kim (asi). A taktiež jej úžasné selfselci.

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