Dnes oslavuje svoje 24. narodeniny naša Fany Fany Tiffany.
Prajeme jej všetko len to najlepšie, nech je zdravá a hlavne š-ťa-s-t-n-á! Proste nech je to stále naša krásna eyes smile queen.
A keďže je toto tvoj deň, tak si ho poriadne uži aj so svojimi unnnies :P
[From. SEOHYUN] Today is 파니언니’s day!♥ (Today is Fany unnie’s day!♥)
Today's shiny shiny main character!!
Fany Fany Tiffany unnie~ A really really happy birthday to you!!^-^
Together with Sunny unnie, chu~♥
Today is your day~!!!
We will make today fun for you!! Hahaha
Everyone, send her many many wishes too~!!
Today's shiny shiny main character!!
Fany Fany Tiffany unnie~ A really really happy birthday to you!!^-^
Together with Sunny unnie, chu~♥
Today is your day~!!!
We will make today fun for you!! Hahaha
Everyone, send her many many wishes too~!!

(Sunny) Attack on tiffan!!kkkk.. You can't avoid me!!! Shy girl!!!!♡.♡"

Happy birthday my love!! It's party time!!!!☆

(Yuri) Happy b day tiff #HappyBecauseWeCanBeTogether

(Taeyeon) HappyB-day 마이미쿡칭구♥ #801

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