24. októbra sa naša Sooyoung zúčastnila odovzdávania cien 'Style Icon Awards 2013'. Na červenom koberci zažiarila v krátkych úzkych čiernych šatách, ktoré zvýraznili jej postavu a dlhé nohy. Celý outfit doplnila žiarivými doplnkami a topánkami.
Z tohto odovzdávania si odniesla cenu 'Best K-Style' spolu s hercom Choi Jinhyuk. Cenu si prevzala v elegantných modrých šatách a v ďakovnej reči spomenula rodinu, SM a aj členky skupiny.
Okrem Sooyoung, sa aj Sunny zúčastnila odovzdávania. Avšak Sunny, na rozdiel od Sooyoung, len predávala cenu. V bielych šatách odovzdala cenu hercovi Lee Seojin, za účinkovanie v 'Grandpas Over Flowers'.
(Ďakovná reč Sooyoung)
“Yes. Thank you. Thank you for giving me a great award on a special day like this. It is the first time getting an award all by myself, so being here is exciting, and I’m thankful to be here.
First of all, thank you to my parents and family members who taught me about style since I was young.
And thank you to SONEs, our fans, for always supporting us.
Thank you to all the staff members of SM Entertainment. Also, thank you to Director Suh Jookyung and the stylist team. Thanks to our manager oppas as well.
And thank you to my members who will be happy for me watching this at home. We will return soon with good songs and performances.
Thank you.”
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