streda 16. októbra 2013

Tiffany sa zúčastnila press conference 'Fashion King Korea'

Tiffany sa dnes zúčastnila press conference novej módnej súťaže 'Fashion King Korea'. Konala sa v Prism Tower v Sangam-dong. Tiffany sa tu ukázala v krásnych čiernych šatách a pred fotografmi pózovala s jej partnerom a módnym návrhárom Ji Ilgeun. Na fotkách je s Borou zo SISTAR.

Počas press conference povedala:
 “I was jealous when I heard that Yuri was going to be acting in the drama, ‘Fashion King’, but I am thankful for the chance for me to be a part of a different ‘Fashion King’.To be honest, I had many worries before deciding to be on the show. I thought that there might be a minus for me. I will work hard instead of trying hard to win. As a representative of idols, I want to show viewers that idols do not just put on whatever is given to them, as well as the huge role that stage management has in showing off what we are wearing.” (dúfam, že netreba preklad)

'Fashion King Korea' sa začne vysielať 17. novembra.

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